Java Servlet 3.0 API – JSR 315
Sun Microsystems released Java EE 6 specification and GlassFish v3 , THE Reference Implementation of Java EE6 on
The list of supported technologies includes, but is not limited, by
- Servlet 3.0
- JSF 2.0
- WebBeans
- CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection)
- Bean Validation
- EJB 3.1
- JPA 2.0
We will go through about one of the feature of javaee6, which is Servlet 3.0 . Again in Servlet 3.0(Java ee6) lots of features have been implemented but we will discuss only few which are quite interesting.
1)web.xml optional now
One of the very interesting feature/improvements is using Annotations instead of web.xml . No more complicated web.xml files and writing Servlet is comparatively less complicated now. Given below example Illustrates the same
Servlet 2.5 Example
In Servlet 2.5 , along with Servlet class ,even web.xml is required which is mandatory.
public class MyServlet extends
HttpServlet {
public void
req,HttpServletResponse res)
Servlet 3.0 Example
@WebServlet(name=”MyServlet”, urlPattern=”/myApp/*”)
public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse res)
Now comparing examples of 2.5 and 3.0 , we could see that web.xml is optional and it is very
easy to code now.
Some more on Annotations
Annotations to declare Servlets, Filters, Listeners
and Security constraints
@WebServlet – Defines a Servlet
@WebFilter – Defines a Filter
@WebListener – Defines a listener
@WebInitParam – Defines an init param
@ServletSecurity – security constraints
@MultipartConfig – file upload
2)Sharing JSP's and Static pages
From Servlet 3.0 onwards , static pages and JSP's are no longer confined to document root of web application
These can be placed under
and later add this *.jar in classpath.
But one thing to note here is that , resources in document root take precedence over those bundled in JAR files
3)Asynchronous support
One of the other interesting/significant feature in Servlet3.0 is the asynchronous support.
With this enhancement the servlet no longer has to wait for the response from resource such
as any database operation or webservice operation, its thread can continue its processing . In other words servlet thread is not blocked .
Prior to 3.0 this was achieved in a proprietary way by using API on top of Servlet 2.5 API .
But now standard asynchronous support has been added to the Servlet API.
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