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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Testing OSB Proxy in SOAP UI

Testing OSB Proxy in SOAP UI

If you are from SOA back ground you might find little confusing to test OSB Proxy Service.

There is a high tendency to use port as 7001 or 8001

In SOA we have Enterprise manager which gives as URL directly . That URL just needs to be placed in SOAPUI and it is quite simple.

But, what about the Proxy Service in OSB?

The Link to test Proxy Service is Given below

http://[OSB SERVER]:[OSB PORT]/URI?wsdl


1. OSB SERVER: IP Address or localhost

2. OSB PORT: 8011(in most of the cases) , else try with 8001.

If this does not work then try shutting down OSB server through command prompt.

In the log you see the listening port as 8011 which confirms OSB PORT as 8011. If it is something else then note down that and use the same


Get this from OSB console

Go to http://localhost:7001/sbconsole

Click on Project Explorer

Click on Proxy Service

See the following
Endpoint URI       /sampleOSBService/proxy/CustomeService    

Use the above and append with ?wsdl
Hence the complete URL is

Error publishing new container for while deploying OSB configuration on server or Unable to create Session

Some times you might get the following error while deploying OSB configuration project

Error publishing new container for: osbconfiguration

Or Unable to create session

Right click on OSB Configuration
Select Properties
Select Oracle Service Bus Configuration
Give some name to "Session name"