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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

WLST commands for deploying SOA composite

WLST commands for deploying SOA composite
1.Go to the following directory
2. Run the following command
3. You  would get the following
4. Now Given this command to deploy
sca_deployComposite("http://SoaServer:8001","/abcfolder/ /soa/sar/sca_SampleComposite_rev10.jar",true,"weblogic","weblogic1",true,"/xyzfolder/soa/config/SampleComposite_cfgplan.xml")
5. You will see the message

serverURL = http:// SoaServer:8001
sarLocation = /abcfolder/soa/sar/sca_SampleComposite_rev10.jar partition = default
overwrite = 1
user = weblogic
forceDefault = 1
configplan = / xyzfolder/soa/config/SampleComposite_cfgplan.xml
keepInstancesOnRedeploy = 0
timeout = -1
set user and password...
set config plan...
Processing sar=/abcfolder/soa/sar/sca_SampleComposite_rev10.jar partition = default
Adding sar file - /abcfolder/soa/sar/sca_SampleComposite_rev10.jar partition = default
INFO: Creating HTTP connection to host:soaserver, port:8001
INFO: Received HTTP response from the server, response code=200
---->Deploying composite success.

6. Go to the em and check if the composite has been deployed.

Note: For each composite you need to execute this command. In future post I will tell how to execute All the composites in single command

Monday, July 29, 2013

How To Call Secure Siebel Webservice Mustunderstand Policy

1. You should know how to invoke Siebel webservice using invoke activity from bpel or by dragging siebel webservice on External references and linking BPEL to this siebel webservice
2. You should setup  wss_username_token_client_policy_mustunderstand policy at SOA Server. This you need to get it from Oracle Support metalink. Search through mustunderstand policy.

 Once the above steps are set then follow these :-

1. Go to composite.xml file , open in design mode

2. Right click on the external reference service(The siebel webservice which is visible in External references)  and select “Configure WS policies”

3. Under the security tab, click add button and select “oracle/ wss_username_token_client_policy_mustunderstand

Please note that this policy needs to be setup separately at server level which you can get it from Oracle Support Metalink. You need to have this account through the organization where you work.